Board Nominations and Elections

Bring all completed paperwork to the November meeting; voting will take place at the November meeting. If you have any questions beforehand, contact the HBA Vice President at
If you have a need for a Proxy Voting Form, available below, then print and fill it out along with the Voting Ballot Form, scan or photograph them both, and email to the Vice President, as mentioned above.
HBA Board Nomination and Election Process
To be nominated, an HBA member must be in good standing and eligible to vote, and must obtain the supporting signatures of at least seven HBA members in good standing and eligible to vote, on a Nomination Form to be supplied by the Board.
The nomination form will contain at least ten signature lines—legitimacy of signatures and good standing status expressly will be in the sole discretion of the Board—so that candidates may wish to obtain more than seven signatures, against the possible challenge of some signatures.
Also, a member can support the nomination of more than one candidate.
All prospective nominees will be offered an opportunity to speak for approximately 2 – 3 minutes at the October general meeting preceding the November Annual Meeting, regarding their candidacy. Voting by the membership will occur by paper ballot during the November Annual Meeting, held during the time of the regular November HBA meeting; voting by proxy and/or voting by e-mail also may be options.
Keep Reading...
The first election of a class of three HBA Board members took place in fall 2011. The election was held in accordance with our By-Laws shortly after the HBA became a NYS not-for-profit corporation; previously, it had been an unincorporated association. Annual nominations and elections are a very important process for our organization, and the Board encourages all members to participate actively, either by declaring candidacy for a position on the Board or by submitting a vote by ballot or proxy.
The service goals and expectations of Board members, as well nomination and election procedures, are explained in the documents made available below on this page. We look forward to your participation in this important process.